Retaining Walls

What are Retaining Walls?

A retaining wall is a structural feature that is destined provide support and to retain the soil behind it. It prevents soil from slowly eroding and collapsing suddenly. These walls are composed of a variety of materials, including reinforced concrete, timber logs, concrete blocks, brick, or stone.

Do I need a Structural Engineer for my Retaining Wall?

There are specific regulations for each state for the requirements for a structural engineer as follows:

  • New South Wales: retaining walls over 600mm from ground level.
  • Queensland: retaining wall over a metre in height requires the services of a structural engineer.
  • Victoria: Structural engineer is required for a retaining wall over one metre in height.
  • South Australia: A retaining wall must be less than one metre in height or requires the services of a structural engineer.
  • Western Australia: retaining wall over 500mm in height requires a structural engineer.

The role of retaining walls is to predominantly retain a large amount of soil and dirt and must be able to withhold wet soil.

Leave it to us to design a retaining wall that is sustainable and won’t collapse under the pressures and weight of soil and water.

Give us a call on 0450 955 585 or email us to get a quote today.